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A Cut Above Byron Team & Services



Who are the mysterious team behind your personalised printing professionals team at A Cut Above Byron? And why does their business name sound like a hairdressing salon?

It is often hard to try to sum up who you are in a few words on a screen, especially with screens getting smaller and smaller nowadays. 


Tanja Branson is the Boss Lady.  Small in stature, large in customer service, design ideas and attention to detail with a daily quest to bring giggles, kindness and encouragement to the Universe. 


After a yeeha moment where she elegantly landed on her head when departing company when riding one of their horses broke her back in two places, Tanja is now dedicated to daily exercise.


A boozy night on the internet led to winning a place in the SKINS recruit program which included entry into her first half-marathon in 2014.  Since then Tanja has completed five half marathons, a full marathon, over 50 Parkruns, countless fun runs for charity, GC50 road run and the UTA50km trail run in the Blue Mountains.  Tanja is also heavily involved in volunteer work for Agricultural Shows in NSW.   She also loves to assist charities with fund raising via small print runs of their designs through A Cut Above Byron.  

Tanja has several fabulous elves that flit in when the workload and deadlines are pressing.  


A Cut Above Byron has a variety of printing machinery to help with a range of printing on a large selection of substrates and fabrics.


Direct to Garment Printing (DTG). 

DTG printing is the process of printing images directly onto fabrics and garments, such as t-shirts. It employs the use of textile inkjet technology to print your chosen image onto the garment. It’s like a super big inkjet printer, but instead of papers and documents, it prints designs on fabric.  It's ideal for 100% cotton fabrics and our favourite items to print with this technology is vintage denim jackets.


Sublimation Printing

Sublimation printing uses special inks that turn into gases when heated.  They essentially push the colours of the inks into the fabric.  The effects are permanent and less prone to fading, as the ink is embedded in the fabric or substrate rather than simply laying on top like a normal print.

This type of printing is great for sportswear as it works best on 100% polyester fabrics - it also works well on hard substrates that have been treated with special magical substrate magic allowing the print to transfer i.e. ceramic or metal mugs, rock slates, timber etc. 
