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Did it for Dolly.

As per usual Saturday is Parkrun day which means a new fun shirt. I had one ready to go ‘If you can read this I’m not last’ yet somedays there are things more important than laughter.

14 year old Dolly Everett took her own life a few days ago due to bullying - please take a moment to check on your kids, your partner, your friends and all those around you - you may just be the shoulder they need during difficulties which may not be apparent.#speakevenifyourvoiceshakes  

If you are feeling the everyday pressures of life please reach out, if you do not feel you have a friend or family member to speak with there are excellent services available to all Australians. 

Suicide Hotline: 1300 651 251
Lifeline Australia: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800

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