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National Puppy Day

March 23 is National Puppy Day so to celebrate we introduced a new design this week into our A Cut Above Byron Store.   Our Pug Life design, produced by the talented Kustom Kreator  is particularly relevant to our own family as long time pug owners.   

Pugs can be high maintenance dogs to own due to their face folds and particular health needs due to breathing concerns and they also tend to leave their magical little hair fibers everywhere! Yet, with the extra work and challenges come the joy of sharing your life with the comedian of the dog world. 

All rehoming or purchases of Puppies needs careful thought and consideration though, not just those of high maintenance breeds like Pugs. 

National Puppy Day is also a day to celebrate the wiggly fun, fabulous cuddles, countless pee puddles and unconditional love that puppies bring to our homes.  While National Puppy Day supports responsible breeding, the day is all about encouraging prospective families to consider adoption as an alternative choice.   As part of National Puppy day take a moment to consider the thousands of dogs which are looking for a forever home in rehoming centres like RSPCA, Pet Rescue, Australian Working Dog Rescue, and our personal favourite Pugs SOS.

Here are a few tips to help you pick your perfect furry match this National Dog Day and every single day.

Research suitable breeds consider their size, temperament, activity level, breed characteristics and what best suits your own family, home and lifestyle.

Remember this years adorable little puppy will often quickly grow to a full sized dog. Take its future needs in mind including future feed requirements, exercise needs and grooming. Often dogs require regular groom salon visits which can become quite costly.

Puppies and all age dogs need exercise every day, preferably shorter walks more often, as young puppies and very old dogs will tire easily.  This is especially important to be wary of with dogs such as pugs with their unique overheating and breathing issues. 


 It is a very important responsibility to ensure that your puppy or dog has a safe environment which keeps them away from roads, livestock and any dangers.  Fencing should not be able to be jumped over, climbed up or dug under.  Puppies can be very resourceful and even if you think you have puppy proofed your yard it is important to keep a close eye on them especially for the first few weeks to make sure they don't have clever escape plans in place. 

Always be responsible when it comes to breeding.  Most puppies that are adopted nowadays in Australia through larger organisations will have been desexed plus have all their health vaccinations up to date - this may seem a large expense at the time yet is often done under bulk rates a lot cheaper than you could get done yourself. Please be part of the solution to overcrowded welfare kennels with untold amounts of puppies looking for their forever home and desex your new puppy....


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